Sunday, April 3, 2011


My time in Peru, however short lived it was, was an experience filled with new encounters and lessons which I will carry with me for the rest of my life.  As with many of my endeavors, I had attempted, but failed, to maintain a blog throughout my time in Peru.  I did begin by logging highs and lows, new experiences and feelings I had at the beginning but did not follow through.   I truly regret that I was not able to maintain that blog, however I do have a few posts  from it which I will share here. 

This blog will be a compilation of memories, reflections on new experiences I had, and anything else that I would like to add that relates to my experience in Peru.  Even though I am now back in the United States, Peru continues to live with me, as I attempt to maintain contact with the friends I had made there. 

The title of the blog, "Otro Mar, Otro Lugar," are lyrics to a popular (and terribly sappy) latin pop song, which is ridiculously over-played.  I had almost memorized this song by listening to the radio while working with the boys.  It means "another sea, another place,"  referencing the search of happinees that often leads us to foriegn, unfamiliar places.  I chose this title for a variety of reasons.  First, I had left behind the waves of the great plains in Nebraska, to go to another sea, Lima, Peru with its idealic vistas from the Malecon (coast), and its 8-10 million inhabitants, an ocean of humanity in itself.  I suffered through tearful goodbyes to family and friends in order to forge unlikely friendships that will last for years to come.  All of this endured for what?  To challenge myself, to continually dig deeper into the person of Michael, to better understand myself.  To search out for that which will make me happy in life.

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